Photographs on tree-rodent interactions
Kanumazawa Riparian Forest, northern Japan

Update: December 25, 2003

A. Forest and trees (11 photos)

B. Seeds and seed dispersal (5 photos)

C. Seedlings (7 photos)

D. Rodents (7 photos)

E. Rodents and beech mast in Nukumi-daira (6 photos; different, tentative page)

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A. Forest and trees.

A1) overview of Kanumazawa Riparian Forest, Iwate prefecture photo_Kanumazawa

A2) Kanumazawa Riparian Research Forest photo_Kanumazawa

A3) Kanumazawa Forest in early spring photo_early spring

A4) Flowering population of Aesculus turbinata in early June Aesculus population

A5) same A. turbinata population Aesculus population

A6) a big A. turbianta tree with K. Hoshizaki an Aesculus tree

A7) Cercidiphyllum japonicum : a huge, wind-dispersed tree with many stools
and with K. Hoshizaki and a student
a big tree

A8) C. japonicum with colleagus the largest tree

A9) C. japonicum huge individual tree with many stools and with K. Hoshizaki a big tree

A10) Acer mono (yellowed leaves) and Cecidiphyllum japonicum (a big tree)
in autumn Acer mono tree

A11) The core-research plot (1 ha), with regularly spaced seed-traps
to monitor seedfall densities of major tree species.                           seed traps

B. Seeds and seed dispersal.

B1) variation in seed size :
Aesculus turbinata (bottom left), Fagus crenata and Quercus crispula (right)
large seeds

B2) a large A. turbinata fruit (seed(s) and husks) an Aesculus fruit

B3) Tracking movement of Aesculus seeds using wire-thread (Hoshizaki and Hulme, 2002)

seed marking

B4) an Aesculus seed gnawn by rodents seed gnawn

B5) Detection of a seedling's parent using seed-mark with ink (Hoshizaki et al., 1999)

marked seed

C. Seedlings.

C1) Aesculus turbinata seedlings from a cache (Hoshizaki et al., 1997) seedlings from cache

C2) A. turbinata seedlings originated from larderhoarded seeds seedlings from larderhoard

C3) Cotyledonal reserves in A. turbinata seedlings,
3- and 5-wk after the emergence (Hoshizaki et al., 1997) seed reserve

C4) A. turbianta seedlings whose shoot clipped shoot clipping

C5) Resprouting A. turbinata seedling after rodent's clipping resprouting

C6) Callus being produced after shoot clipping callus

C7) a resprouted A. turbinata seedling, established from callus resprouting

D. Rodents.

D1) Apodemus speciosus : the main seed-disperser/predator of Aesculus turbintata

D2) Eothenomys andersoni juvenile eating Aesculus seedlinlgs Eothenomys

D3) A. speciosus attracted to a pile of Aesculus seeds gathering

D4) A. speciosus transporting an Aesculus seed seed transportation

D5) A. speciosus excavating hypogeal cotyledon excavating rodent

D6) A. speciosus yielding hypogeal cotyledons cotyledon removal

D7) A. argenteus : a species with least body weight in temperate forests in Japan.
(This species do not interact with Aesclus turbinata.) A. argenteus

E. Rodents and beech mast in Nukumi-daira.

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