written by Prof. Akira SATOH

on 1st of January, 2012
Results between 2001 and 2005                   

1.  Development of Stokesian Dynamics Method based on the Additivity
of Velocities 

We have proposed the cluster-based Stokesian
dynamics method based on the additivity of 
velocities and have verified the feasibility of this

The results of the viscosity are in good agreement
with those obtained by the additivity of forces in the
wide range of magnetic interactions between particles.

Wall-like aggregate structures are clearly shown
to be formed by the present Stokesian dynamics
method based on the additivity of velocities.

2.  Development of the Cluster-based Stokesian Dynamics Method

We have proposed the cluster-based Stokesian
dynamics method based and have verified the 
validity of this method.

The figure clearly shows that the viscosity change
is in good agreement with that of the method based
on the additivity of forces.  

(a) For the case of a weak magnetic interaction
between particles.

(b) For the case of a strong magnetic interaction
between particles (much larger than the influence
of a shear flow) 

3. Derivation of the Transport Coefficients by Means of the Perturbation
Method in the Dissipative Particle Dynamics Theory

Theoretical values of the viscosity which have been
derived theoretically by means of the perturbation
method are in good agreement with those obtained
by the non-equilibrium dynamics method.

(a) For the case of the dissipative interaction being
much larger than the potential interaction

(b) For the case of the dissipative interaction being
approximately equal to the potential interaction

4. Development of the Theory of the Orientational Distribution Function
of Magnetic Rod-like Particles in a Simple Shear Flow (Consideration of
Cluster-Cluster Interactions in Terms of Mean Field Approximation)

      A linear cluster model has been employed for taking into
      account the interactions between the particles belonging
      to the different clusters.

In order to discuss the validity of the cluster
model, we have discussed the potential curves
for the two different arrangements (parallel
and staggered arrangements)

The figure shows the dependence of the viscosity
on the volumetric fraciotn of particle. A larger 
viscosity can be obtained for a larger magnetic
interaction and volumetric fraction.

(a) For the case where the magnetic field governs
the phenomenon to a certain degree.

(b) For the case where the magnetic field governs
the phenomenon significantly 

The figure shows the dependence of the viscosity on the
particle aspect ratio. A particle with a larger aspect ratio
can provide a larger viscosity.

5. Theoretical Prediction of Negative Viscosity of Rod-like Hematite Particles

One-peak type distribution is
obtained for the case where
the shear flow is dominant and
an applied magnetic field is weak.

As the magnetic field strength
increases, the distribution
changes from a one-peek to a
linear-peek type distribution.  

We have first theoretically shown that the viscosity due
to magnetic properties becomes NEGATIVE, called
the negative magneto-rheological effect, as the magnetic
field strength increases.

(a) The influence of the magnetic field strength on the
negative viscosity

(b) The influence of the particle aspect ratio on the
negative viscosity.

A larger effect of the negative viscosity can be obtained
for a particle with a larger aspect ratio. 

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